1. (A) Education Board should be a Registered Society Or Trust Or Firm Registered Or NGO.
(B) Education Board should be constituted by an Act of Parliament/State Legislature/ or through an Executive order by Centre / State Govt.
(C) Educational Board / Council Provided equivalency by any Govt. State Education Board.
2. The syllabus of Education Board / Institution / Universities must be according to National Curriculum Frame Work 2005.
3. Education Board / Institution / Universities providing school education may apply on letter head along with all relevant documents and syllabus to Council of Boards of School Education.
4. The Education Board / Institution / Universities may send a copy of resolution passed by the Boards of Director / Management which shows that boards requires membership of COBSE along with Memorandum of COUNCIL and rules & regulation of the society.
5. The Committee of COBSE will examine the application as per the guidelines and rules of COBSE. Once COBSE provide membership to the Board, the Board will have to provide prescribed fee after that the name of the board and its details will be displayed on the official website of COBSE.
6. COBSE has full rights to withdraw its membership if board fails to comply of orders issued from time to time from COBSE, or any unauthorized functioning /miss leading information.
7. Any dispute that may arise any time between the parties, COBSE Chairman decision will be final.